All Contents179 Plasma diagnosis (RGA) Ionization (by passing an electric current through the filament, accelerating the released hot electrons and colliding with neutrons or atoms). Quadruple mass filter consists of 4 parallel metal rods and makes 2 pairs by electrically connecting two opposite electrodes and applies voltages (DC, RF) of different polarities to each other. Ions of the selected mass (mass/charge) pass through the qua.. 2020. 8. 26. Plasma diagnosis (OES) The optical emission spectroscopy(OES) is a measurement method utilizing a property having a specific wavelength or range when the electrons of an element existing in the plasma fall from the excited state to the ground state. Through the analysis of the specific wavelength obtained, it is possible to estimate the amount of the element by grasping the element present in the plasma and changing t.. 2020. 8. 26. Plasma diagnosis (DLP) Double Langmuir probe(DLP) is a device that can measure ion density, electron temperature and ion saturation current. It consists of two metal probes, a variable power source that can apply voltage to the probe, and a device that can measure the current flowing through the probe. As in the single Langmuir probe, the double Langmuir probe shows an I-V characteristic curve that represents the curr.. 2020. 8. 26. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP etcher) An inductively coupled plasma is a type of plasma source in which are produced by electromagnetic induction, that is, by time-varying magnetic fields. Our ICP etching system consists of an RF power supply, a vacuum chamber, a flow rate and pressure control device, and a vacuum measurement device. The power supply device is composed of an RF generator and an impedance matching circuit which outpu.. 2020. 8. 26. 차세대 반도체 극고종횡비 식각 공정 한계 극복 연구 과제명 :차세대 반도체 극고종횡비 식각 공정 한계 극복 연구 과제명(영문) : Reserch for overcoming process limitation of ultrahigh aspect ratio etching process 총 수행기간 : 2020.04.01.-2022.12.31. 지원기관 : 한국산업기술평가관리원 연구내용 : 본 연구는 차세대 UHARC 공정 및 장비 개발을 위해 플라즈마의 이온농도, 중성종 농도, 중성종 종류, 이온 에너지, 이온 충돌 효과 등에 대한 독립적인 제어를 할 수 있는 UHARC 식각 공정에 대한 원천기술에 대한 연구임. 2020. 8. 26. 2018 ICMAP "The best poster award" 수상 2020. 8. 25. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 30 다음