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Yeonsik Choi Name : Yeonsik Choi Degree : M.S Candidate E-mail : xptm798@korea.ac.kr Research area : Plasma etching (ITO) 2020. 8. 27.
과학기술대학 공동기기실험실 (Joint Equipment Room) 실험실 내 보유한 장비 이외에도 박막의 증착, 단차 측정, 표면 및 측정 촬영, PT 코팅 등의 연구를 수행하기 위하여 교내에 소재한 과학기술대학 공동기기 실험실을 이용하고 있습니다. 저희 연구실에서는 주로 E-beam evaporator, Alpha step, PT coater, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, AFM, Mask aligner, 광학현미경 등을 연구에 사용하고 있습니다. 공동기기실에 보유중인 장비의 종류 및 스펙은 아래의 링크를 참조하십시오. http://sejong.korea.ac.kr/user/boardList.do?handle=67327&siteId=krc&id=krc_020100000000 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 과학기술대학 공동기기실 전체 보유기기 sejong.kor.. 2020. 8. 26.
Spin coating Spin coating is a procedure used to deposit uniform thin films onto flat substrates. Usually a small amount of coating material is applied on the center of the substrate, which is either spinning at low speed or not spinning at all. The substrate is then rotated at speed up to 10,000 rpm to spread the coating material by centrifugal force. Rotation is continued while the fluid spins off the edge.. 2020. 8. 26.
Nanoimprint lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a method of fabricating nanometer scale patterns. It is a simple nanolithography process with low cost, high throughput and high resolution. It creates patterns by mechanical deformation of imprint resist and subsequent processes. The imprint resist is typically a monomer or polymer formulation that is cured by heat or UV light during the imprinting. Adhesion bet.. 2020. 8. 26.
Furnace It is used for drying and firing, ash content measurement, new materials, ceramic sintering experiments, etc., and annealing can be performed while preventing heater damage and sample damage by blocking contact with steam and corrosive gas by using a special fireproof molding heater. 2020. 8. 26.
Contact angle goniometer The surface energy analysis method used the contact angle method as a method of analyzing the wettability of the sample surface. The measurement of the contact angle is used not only as an interface but also as an analytical technique which is very useful in adhesion, coating, polymer filed, thin film technology, and surface treatment. The contact angle refers to the angle of the interface forme.. 2020. 8. 26.