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Hanbyeol Jang Name : Hanbyeol Jang Graduate year : 2013 Degree : M. S Affiliation : Inform, Co. Ltd E-mail : hbjang84@korea.ac.kr Published. 1) Hanbyeol Jang, Alexander Efremov, Daehee Kim, Sungchil Kang, Sun Jin Yun, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of TiO2 Thin Films in HBr/Ar and Cl2/Ar Inductively-Coupled Plasmas, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2012) 32:333-342. https://doi... 2020. 8. 27.
Sungchil Kang Name : Sungchil Kang Graduate year : 2013 Degree : M. S Affiliation : Hyundai Heavy Industries E-mail : kangsungchil@korea.ac.kr Published. 1) Sungchil Kang, Alexander Efremov, Sun Jin Yun, Jinyoung Son, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of Mo and Al2O3 Thin Films in O2/Cl2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasmas: Effect of Gas Mixing Ratios”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processi.. 2020. 8. 27.
Daehee Kim Name : Daehee Kim Graduate year : 2012 Degree : M. S Affiliation:Samsung Electronics E-mail : daeheekim@korea.ac.kr Published. 1) Daehee Kim, Alexander Efremov, Hanbyeol Jang, Sungchil Kang, Sun Jin Yun, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of TiO2 Thin Films in HBr/Cl2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 51, no. 10, 106201-1-5 https://doi.org/10.1143/JJAP... 2020. 8. 27.
Taehoon Lee Name : Taehoon Lee Graduate year : 2010 Degree : M. S Affiliation : Samsung Electronics E-mail : sebiny@korea.ac.kr Published. 1) Taehoon Lee, Alexander Efremov, Yong-Hyun Ham, Sun Jin Yun, Nam-Ki Min, MunPyo Hong, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching characteristics and mechanism of vanadium dioxide in inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma”, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 8, 021110 (2009) https://doi.org/10... 2020. 8. 27.
Mansu Kim Name : Mansu Kim Graduate year : 2008 Degree : M. S Affiliation : - E-mail : happyvt@naver.com Published. 1) Nam-Ki Min, Mansu Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee, and Sungihl Kim, “Etch Characteristics of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), SiO2 and a Photoresist in an Inductively Coupled Cl2/Ar Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 51, No. 5, November 2007, pp. 1686_1694 https:.. 2020. 8. 27.
Junmyung Lee Name : Junmyung Lee Degree : Ph. D. Candidate E-mail : lee_jm@korea.ac.kr Research area : Plasma etching (L-PFC precursor, low-k film) & Plasma damage (Dielectric constant) Published. 1) Junmyung Lee, Inwoo Chun, Moonkeun Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Hyun Woo Lee, "A Study on the Fabrication and Characterization of Micro Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Film Piezoelectric Cantilever Using MEMS Process for Energy Harvesti.. 2020. 8. 27.